Who is Mat Pilates For?


The vast majority of people believe that mat Pilates is for women of a certain demographic, or they visualise big groups in village halls manically performing sit ups and dead bugs while donning leotards and leg warmers.  

Guess what?  This is totally inaccurate! 

Pilates is for runners, body builders, equestrians, golfers, dancers, gymnasts, pre and postnatal women, swimmers, and sofa-loving Netflix watchers.  In short, Pilates mat exercises make up a beneficial workout for everyone, particularly those seeking a full-body workout.  Not only this, but it's actually really hard to do.  I often joke with my clients about working out their minds as well as their bodies, but it's absolutely true, Pilates requires a whole other level of concentration, strength, stability and mobility.

The best thing about Pilates matwork is that it is super easy to incorporate into your daily schedule in short bursts.  Sure, if you have the time to carve out an hour-long slot to perform a full Pilates workout 3/4 times a week, that would be ideal, but the reality is that very few of us have the luxury of this much spare time.  Simply performing a short routine, or even some standing exercises while the kettle boils, will absolutely benefit your body and your mind and get you feeling energised.

Still unsure if Pilates is for you? Check out the below list of reasons to take up Pilates today!

- You have a very busy schedule and are looking for a workout that you can fit into this

- You are seeking a full body workout that you can do anytime, anywhere

- You are wanting to increase your strength and mobility

- You feel like you need a good stretch!

- Got equipment?  Great!  

- Not got equipment?  Great!

- You are wanting to work on the muscular imbalances within your body

- You want to improve your balance

- You want to feel stronger or more flexible (or both!)

- You want to improve your posture

- You suffer with back pain

- Your hips are tight

- You want to improve your performance in a particular sport

- You have children or grandchildren you want to keep up with

Pilates matwork is going to be beneficial for you if any of the above (or perhaps all of them) align with your goals.  Everything you learn in Pilates can be applied while you're off the mat.  In no time whatsoever you'll be moving through life with more ease and fluidity, plus awesome posture!

Charlotte xx

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